Thursday, February 27, 2014

Breakdown number 74382943 as a first year Seminarian...

Sitting in Starbucks.

I don't get it.  If this is supposed to be my calling, why is it so damn difficult?

Paul, you are quite the character.  I'm currently reading an N.T. Wright book about him.  It's a book I'm not fully understanding.  And that is really frustrating..

and I'm almost speechless.  I have no idea what to think or how to feel.  Can I really do this?

Monday, February 24, 2014


Life is funny. And quick. And a lot of the time- not very peaceful.

Last semester was quick.  Maybe a little too quick.  I built relationships and worked harder than I ever have for school.  Moving away again from my parents, relationships changed.  I found a family.  I found a home.  I found community at school, in my house, at my church, and around RVA.  It's been a true blessing.

I'm grateful- for the experiences that taught me more about myself, others, and God.  The classes that I took last semester and the classes I'm currently enrolled in have taught me more than I ever thought possible.  I've learned about a God of love and life, but also a God of impatience of frustration (and rightly so..those stubborn Israelites).

I'm constantly being re-affirmed about where I am in my life right this moment.  As lame and cliche as it sounds, it's such a God thing .. Whether I'm being affirmed (and I'm someone that needs to be affirmed) by my roommates (thanks, Caitie), my church, or my colleagues and professors, I am learning to be grateful of where I am.  It's easy to do when I'm living in a place I absolutely love.

Thanks be to God.