Saturday, November 2, 2013

Awful Habits...

I have some really awful habits.  I'm not saying that I'm not great, because I know I am.  I know have some really wonderful qualities, and I try every day to embrace those.  But, I'm very aware of my flaws and awful habits- one of them is commitment.  It's something I've struggled with for a long time now.  From time commitment and procrastination to the feeling I get three months into a relationship.  It's really scary.  Sometimes I feel it's a habit that won't ever go away.  I feel as if I'll never get finished early with an assignment.  I know that I have four different term papers due the week after Thanksgiving.  I know that I really need to get started and that I'd feel most comfortable with having everything completed by Thanksgiving.  I see that.  Am I actually going to complete them by Thanksgiving? Probably not.  Does that really bother me? Absolutely.  Same with running.  I'm "running" five miles in two weeks.  Five.  Did I register for this months ago? Yes.  Have I been training for it the way I should? No.  Even worse, did I see it coming? Unfortunately.
Luckily, no guy here  has actually wanted to be with me, so I guess we're okay on that end.  They probably smell the commitment-phobia a mile away.  It's a little depressing.

So what do I do? I know it's all mental.  How do I change that? How do I motivate myself to get things finished in a timely manner? I've seen what happens when I procrastinate.   I think about those feelings I had- stressed, tired, wishing I had started this earlier.  So why can't I change these awful habits? 

Monday, September 9, 2013


What a beautiful weekend!

When I moved to Richmond, I moved into an Intentional Community through Ginter Park Baptist Church.  It's called the Farley House.  A family (the Farley's) owned it years and years ago.  Farley families are still members of GPBC today.  It's really lovely.
I moved in a month ago today.  I moved in on that Friday.  I had this whole house to myself Friday night and most of the day Saturday (Thanks to Kristen for keeping me company!)
One roommate, Khan, moved in Saturday night.  He's from Burma and is entering his third year at BTSR.
I went to Ginter Park Sunday morning, met several folks from the church and enjoyed much conversation with the Pastor (who, by the way, I knew before moving to RVA.  She used to be in Charlotte).  Drew came home that afternoon with Nala (his sweet pup).  Caitlin was finishing up her Internship and was in and out for a bit before heading back to Spartanburg (yep, Spartanburg) to see family.
This past weekend was the first time we (the whole house) has been together since the beginning of August.  What an awesome weekend it is.  It involved boat rides, naps, reading, more naps, good food (ice cream included), and really good discussion.

I am so happy to be here- with this community and with these people.
Happy one month anniversary to me!
First boat ride to dinner on the first night-

SC calls this a "clemson sunset"

Some of the crew-

yummy yummy ice cream- WHITE CHOCOLATE OREO PEANUT BUTTER (I mean, come on)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

To My Dad-

Every year on our birthday, the birthday kid would be woken up to this song.  It's one of my favorite traditions.  Now that we have smartphones, we send each other the video since my brothers and I are no longer living at home.

I have forever been a Daddy's Girl.  I'm the baby and I'm the only girl- It was clear this was going to happen.  I'm so thankful to have this guy as my Dad.  He's the quiet yet completely lovable one.
Thank you Dad:

  • for teaching me everything I need to know about Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  • for watching National Treasure and The Day After Tomorrow with me time and time again
  • for showing me the "real" beers
  • for making me blueberry pancakes on Sunday mornings
  • for inspiring me to better myself by getting healthy
  • for teaching me so much more than what I wanted to know about Chemistry
  • for teaching my brothers how to be role models
  • for the best chocolate chip cookies ever (and I mean ever)
  • for being patient with Mom and me and loving us even when we're stubborn
  • for lending me all your Smyth and Helwys commentaries
And for so so so much more.  
For you Dad, I'm so grateful.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Since I Moved...

Brunch at Dot's Back Inn (Bellevue area. Just a nice bike ride!)

Coffee in Carytown

The most fruitful garden! It has bountiful tomatoes and basil, cucumbers, okra, watermelon and cantaloupe

Firepit nights with beautiful music, drinks, and friends.

Apple Muffins (Fresh apples from the Farmers Market)

Fresh flowers

South of the James Farmers Market

Saturday night tradition- homemade pizza and wine.

It almost feels ridiculous how much I love being here.  I can't wait to explore more, especially now that my camera's battery is full again.  My on-line class meets in person next week along with new student orientation.  Fall classes start September 9. It's all still so exciting. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

While I Was Sleeping...

So many lovely people were taking pictures of their (kids') first day of school!
While I just began my first Seminary on-line class, I certainly didn't have to wake up at 6:15am to do it.
All of my thoughts and prayers go out to you, educators and students!  As I've looked through Facebook, there are people going into middle school as I remember when they were born.  Best friends posting pictures of their brand new classroom and jitters about meeting their students!  New students moving into their residence halls as freshmen in college. Hopes for a really great year.

As for me, I will return to this assignment of 24 cases and about 500 questions.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

We've Only Just Begun..

"Hey Judith! You should write a blog!"  I don't have many bouts of motivation to do much of anything really.  I have about a five minute period of motivation and then I need a nap. My life is hard.

But I'm starting a new journey.  A new journey in a new city, a new community, a new house for me and Stella, a new faith.  I couldn't be more excited!

Stella and I moved last Friday to RVA.  Such an exciting time (Stella was unimpressed).  We got to RVA in time for two good friends to have opened the house (and windows) for me.  Mom and Dad were about an hour behind me with my bed and washing machine.  As Mom and Dad arrived, so did a lot others from the Ginter Park.  People I had never met before were helping me move in! I was already in love.
Families brought goodies (paper supplies, cookies, and of course beer).  We unloaded everything, got everything hooked up and I was able to get settled in for the night.  This old historic Richmond home was going to be perfect for me and kitty fella.  I could feel it! (spoiler- I was right).  So far, I've been a part of meals with friends I'm most thankful for, afternoons spent in Walmart with no power, girls nights with wine and puppies, fire pits with s'mores and new music (SN: everyone listen to The Lone Bellow), afternoon runs around the neighborhood, river days with new church members, and evenings spent with roommates in the garden with overflowing tomatoes.  For all these, I am incredibly grateful. This community is exactly what I needed at this point in my life. Perfect moments.

Tomorrow, I start an on-line class called "Exploring your Ministerial Identity".  It's a pretty general Seminary 101 class.  You learn personality types and what Seminary is really going to be like.  It's online, which can be dangerous/forgetful.  We've introduced ourselves, where we're from, why BTSR, and what we're thinking we'll do when we graduate.  I am the youngest of the people in my class.  And it makes me wonder, "Am I ready for this? Do I have enough life experience? Am I mature enough? Have I simply lived enough to be here?"  The other students in my class have a spouse and kids, they're coming away from a career, or learning what their call really was.  How intimidating! All I have is my cat.  I'm still trying to figure out if this is a good thing or bad thing- being here so young.  Maybe I should feel lucky that I heard my call early? I'm grateful to be a part of a school that is going to challenge me theologically, spiritually, and emotionally.  I'm grateful to be a part of this community that will affirm my call (hopefully) and will help me answer my questions about my preparation for this new life. 
Join me :)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Nice Girls Don't Change the World

A few months ago I bought a few Nook books.  I get these sporadic moments of inspiration to dig in a book.  I then fall asleep and wake up with a Nook on my face.
I'm currently on vacation with my Dad.  We've successfully spent the last two days (10am-5pm) merely sitting on the beach.  We've taken a few naps and read a lot.  I've gone through three books and expect to be on my current one for a while.
I just finished Nice Girls Don't Change the World.  It is such a fabulous and short read for those of you interested.  Lynne Hybels discusses the pain she went through as a young Christian who spent all of her time and energy aiming to please God.  After seventeen years of being a Pastor's wife, she finds herself tired of the God she once knew.  She was exhausted of doing thing after thing and never hearing from God.  So she quit.  She took time off and rested.  She had been the ultimate "nice girl."  She talks about the differences between a nice girl vs. good woman vs. dangerous woman.
At one point in her life she tells God that she doesn't know what she's doing and she was going to listen to God's voice.  She was open to idea of doing whatever God told her to do.
She sensed God saying
Okay I will guide you.  I will lead you into the future.  But if you really want my guidance, you better get ready for an adventure.  You better prepare yourself for new challenges and unexpected opportunities.  You better get ready to learn, and stretch, and grow
She was then sent to Belfast, Ireland to speak at a conference. Lucky girl.

At the end she prays this prayer:
May we be dangerous women.  My we be women who acknowledge our power to change, and grow, and be radically alive for God.  May we be healers of wounds and righters of wrongs.  May we weep with those who weep and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.  May we cherish children, embrace the elderly, and empower the poor.  May we pray deeply and teach wisely.  May we be strong and gentle leaders.  May we sing songs of joy and talk down fear.  May we never hesitate to let passion push us, conviction compel us, and righteous anger energize us.  May we strike fear  into all that is unjust and eveil in the world.  May we dismantle abusive systems and silence lies with truth.  May we shine like stars in a darkened generation.  May we overflow with goodness in the name of God and by the power of Jesus.  And in that name, and by that power, may be change the world.  Dear God, please make us dangerous women. Amen 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Such a Beautiful Beginning...

Change has been in full-swing lately. I have learned so much about myself in these last few months while living at home.  I was initially confused and frustrated about what was going to happen next. I moved with no job and no prospects- just a lonely Social Work degree and six months experience with Foster Care.
I started waiting tables for my sister-in-law just until I found a new job.  Five months later....things have drastically changed.  I stopped looking for a job and found myself applying for Seminary instead.  And guess what. It's final.  I'm moving to Richmond this fall.  I'm spending my time in my home church until then, though.  Specifically, I'm teaching the really old ladies Sunday School (with Large Print guides from Smyth and Helwys).  I'm hanging out with more youth and children (go figure) and spending time with our Senior Adults.  I've got Orientation in a few weeks and Debriefing right before I move to Richmond.  Housing answer awaiting...praying for the hopeful answer soon..
So this is my beginning. A new beginning.  Praying for a smooth transition and peace during all this.