Monday, September 9, 2013


What a beautiful weekend!

When I moved to Richmond, I moved into an Intentional Community through Ginter Park Baptist Church.  It's called the Farley House.  A family (the Farley's) owned it years and years ago.  Farley families are still members of GPBC today.  It's really lovely.
I moved in a month ago today.  I moved in on that Friday.  I had this whole house to myself Friday night and most of the day Saturday (Thanks to Kristen for keeping me company!)
One roommate, Khan, moved in Saturday night.  He's from Burma and is entering his third year at BTSR.
I went to Ginter Park Sunday morning, met several folks from the church and enjoyed much conversation with the Pastor (who, by the way, I knew before moving to RVA.  She used to be in Charlotte).  Drew came home that afternoon with Nala (his sweet pup).  Caitlin was finishing up her Internship and was in and out for a bit before heading back to Spartanburg (yep, Spartanburg) to see family.
This past weekend was the first time we (the whole house) has been together since the beginning of August.  What an awesome weekend it is.  It involved boat rides, naps, reading, more naps, good food (ice cream included), and really good discussion.

I am so happy to be here- with this community and with these people.
Happy one month anniversary to me!
First boat ride to dinner on the first night-

SC calls this a "clemson sunset"

Some of the crew-

yummy yummy ice cream- WHITE CHOCOLATE OREO PEANUT BUTTER (I mean, come on)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

To My Dad-

Every year on our birthday, the birthday kid would be woken up to this song.  It's one of my favorite traditions.  Now that we have smartphones, we send each other the video since my brothers and I are no longer living at home.

I have forever been a Daddy's Girl.  I'm the baby and I'm the only girl- It was clear this was going to happen.  I'm so thankful to have this guy as my Dad.  He's the quiet yet completely lovable one.
Thank you Dad:

  • for teaching me everything I need to know about Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  • for watching National Treasure and The Day After Tomorrow with me time and time again
  • for showing me the "real" beers
  • for making me blueberry pancakes on Sunday mornings
  • for inspiring me to better myself by getting healthy
  • for teaching me so much more than what I wanted to know about Chemistry
  • for teaching my brothers how to be role models
  • for the best chocolate chip cookies ever (and I mean ever)
  • for being patient with Mom and me and loving us even when we're stubborn
  • for lending me all your Smyth and Helwys commentaries
And for so so so much more.  
For you Dad, I'm so grateful.