Saturday, November 2, 2013

Awful Habits...

I have some really awful habits.  I'm not saying that I'm not great, because I know I am.  I know have some really wonderful qualities, and I try every day to embrace those.  But, I'm very aware of my flaws and awful habits- one of them is commitment.  It's something I've struggled with for a long time now.  From time commitment and procrastination to the feeling I get three months into a relationship.  It's really scary.  Sometimes I feel it's a habit that won't ever go away.  I feel as if I'll never get finished early with an assignment.  I know that I have four different term papers due the week after Thanksgiving.  I know that I really need to get started and that I'd feel most comfortable with having everything completed by Thanksgiving.  I see that.  Am I actually going to complete them by Thanksgiving? Probably not.  Does that really bother me? Absolutely.  Same with running.  I'm "running" five miles in two weeks.  Five.  Did I register for this months ago? Yes.  Have I been training for it the way I should? No.  Even worse, did I see it coming? Unfortunately.
Luckily, no guy here  has actually wanted to be with me, so I guess we're okay on that end.  They probably smell the commitment-phobia a mile away.  It's a little depressing.

So what do I do? I know it's all mental.  How do I change that? How do I motivate myself to get things finished in a timely manner? I've seen what happens when I procrastinate.   I think about those feelings I had- stressed, tired, wishing I had started this earlier.  So why can't I change these awful habits?