Sunday, March 1, 2015

Lent 2.

Monday- I used to take piano lessons (for about ten years). I kick myself a lot for not keeping up with it like I should.  Playing the piano (especially when it's tuned) brings peace to my soul.  Whether it's a hymn, or the only song I memorized from my lessons (Rondo Alla impressed), when my fingers gently press on each key, I feel at home. 
Tuesday- quite the scare.  When you're impatient and close down your computer finished updating its OS, sometimes Word doesn't like to work.  Stress really hit when I desperately needed Word to finish (ahem. start) an exam due Thursday. No worries, guys. I fixed it.  I just had to finish updating Yosemite (all done during the Bachelor, of course) and then update Word. #appleshouldhireme
There are lots of reasons why I love BTSR.  Hilarious professors who banter with you is in my top five.  

Thursday- Snow Day #2! We got another 5 or so inches Wednesday night into Thursday morning.  Classes were cancelled.  The roads were okay so my roommates left me with the house to myself.  I caught up on all my shows, Stella and I took lots of naps, and I watched two new Netflix movies (yes- Chef; no- White Bird in a Blizzard).
Friday- this is a flashback (also, this is the only picture I took on Friday).  Stella was a BABY (and I think still a girl at this point- long story).  He was maybe a year old.  Isn't Timehop just the best?

Saturday- my proudest moment to date. I ran SIX miles on Saturday.  My big race is March 28 (6.25 miles) up an down Monument Ave.  I hope my running partner will stick with me (Thanks, Theresa!).  You can read more about my appropriate runners' high here.  

Sunday- I spent the morning in Mechanicsville preaching for a good friend of mine.  It was a lovely church with green carpet that reminded me of Fernwood.  I took a nap and knew my room needed to be picked up before this week truly began.  I turned on Saturday's episode of Prairie Home Companion, tucked Stella into bed, lit a few candles, and cleaned.  It's beautiful now.  Clean also brings peace.